problems solutions sig

When I Focus on My Problems Instead of God

Whether you have been on your faith walk a short time or a long time, I think at some point we all come to realize that a life of faith doesn’t necessarily mean problem-free life. In some ways, it may even bring problems, as our faith asks us to live a counter-cultural life. We must often live against the grain. 

Perhaps one of the biggest struggles we have is focusing on our “problem” as if it was the core of our issue. I know I have been guilty of this in my life. I’ve written before about my health issues, which have plagued me in some way most of my life–allergies, asthma, chronic headaches, and more. What I have learned is that when I focus on the immediate problem, my health, at the expense of the root problem, my separation from God as a result of the fall, my health ALWAYS gets worse.  

I’ve been on a journey the last few years to dig deep and uncover the root issues in my life. There were no surprises! My root issue is that same as everyone else’s, sin separates me from God and when I try to fix it on my own, I move farther away from God rather than closer. When I surrender to God, I begin the reconciliation process with God and with others. The result of reconciliation is increased holiness.  

In the next series of articles, we will tackle a few of the things that keep us focused on us rather than God. Things including unwillingness to surrender to God, not fully depending on God, letting go of control, not judging others, and living according to God’s will. Join us on the journey.  

Contributed by Liz Hunt

Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (2004). How people grow: What the Bible reveals about personal growth. Zondervan. 

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