• Intentional Living

    Creating Intentional Anniversaries

    My husband and I get to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary this year. It seems like just yesterday and yet, forever–in a good way. After ten years, raising three teenagers and launching them into adulthood, running a business, and pursuing higher education, it has been very easy for us to get sidelined into sleepwalking through life. At least a couple of times a year, I remind us that we “miss” each other, that we need to connect on a deeper level. One of those times is for our anniversary. I’ve put together a short reminder list for intentional anniversaries. It’s pretty simple. Prepare. Intention requires preparation. Make sure you have…

  • Intentional Living

    Alternatives to Grocery Stores & Gardening

    Most of us trudge through the grocery stores on a scant amount of time each week and throw things in our cart hoping for the best. Or, we find ourselves shopping by the scattered list in our purse or on our phones. There’s a handful of us that yearn for the yester years to plant a garden each year in hopes to source quality foods for our family. Yet in our hectic busy lives it seems that both of these are a challenge for most with either not enough time or too many weeds!  Therefore we wanted to take a moment to look at some alternate ways to source good…

  • Intentional Living

    Family Traditions: What is the Point?

    This year marks my transition into an empty nest. And, I’ll be honest, I am ready in some ways, and, so not ready in others. As I write, one child will be officially moving out in less than ten days, and the other is making plans to leave before the end of the year. Contemplating the inevitableness of their departure, I have found myself thinking about some of the purposes of family traditions. Here are just a few: Family traditions convey values. As a family who tries to live grounded in our faith, the precepts and guidance provided in the Bible should always influence our traditions. These values support how…

  • Intentional Living

    Benefits of Drinking Water

    There are many benefits of drinking water. Drinking water gets rid of toxins in our body, we feel better overall, and it improves our mood. I personally can attest that drinking enough water helps my muscles to not be as sore. Since our bodies are at least 80% water, we need to keep replenishing ourselves. Most experts indicate we should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Sounds like a lot! Here are a few helpful tips to drink more water are: Get yourself a really cool reusable water bottle that you like. Not only will you be helping the environment by reducing plastic bottle use, but you’ll save yourself…

  • Intentional Living

    Client and Customer Communication

    In an age of information overload, one of the most difficult tasks entrepreneurs face is deciding the who, what, when, how, and where of communication with clients and customers. And, in our mad rush to utilize the newest and greatest forms of digital communication, we often forget the basics that support good communication across contexts. Below, I’ve outlined a few basics we should never forget in communicating with clients and customers, or really anyone!  Listen. Good communication starts with listening. As entrepreneurs, we need to listen to understand, rather than to respond. What do my clients or customers need or expect? How can I best serve them? Adjust. We live…