• bible study prayer

    A Multi-generational Bible Study Review

    What is the Impact of Relationship on Spiritual Growth?  In the fall of last year, my mom and sisters and I embarked on a weekly bible study. Sometimes, my daughter also joins. It took me a while to realize that we had started a multi-generational bible study. It took me even longer to realize the significance of what a multi-generational bible study meant.  The first book we decided to walk through was “How People Grow” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. The book walks through the importance of relationship in growing spiritually. What we have found in doing the study together is that they are right, relationships are key to…

  • Blog

    Spiritual Growth:

    Identify feelings and behaviors that are holding you back Depending upon what you are reading, people have different names for the feelings and behaviors that hold us back from growing spiritually. Some people call them sins. Some roadblocks. Others, character defects. I tend to like the term character defects or patterns of sin. The feelings and behaviors that hold us back are not one-offs, but usually patterns of behavior or emotional reactions that we have developed over time to make sense of life, cope with life, or get what we want. The important thing about character defects is that what once may have been helpful creates problems in our lives…