Bible verse

July Devotional: The Lord’s Blessing

Scripture for the week: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you: “The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26).

Devotional Thought: Have you ever felt the sun on your skin and been warmed completely through, as though the Father in Heaven were enveloping you in a warm embrace? Imagine, God, the almighty creator of this earth looking toward us, providing us peace, supporting us. What a blessing! Let’s take a moment and look at a few words and their meaning in this verse to truly get a full understanding.

1. ‘Bless’ means “to make happy”.

2. ‘Keep’ means to protect or sustain.

3. ‘Gracious’ means favorable, benevolent, or merciful.

4. ‘Countenance’ means good will or support or kindness.

(definitions from

Our Father in heaven seeks to make us happy while protecting us, being merciful to us, and showing us unfathomable support and kindness.

Thought/Action Point: I have heard this verse a million times over my life. So many, in fact, that I often fail to reverently experience the power of the words. What is one way that you can praise God this week knowing that he seeks to bless, protect, and support you while being merciful and gracious?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, You have poured out your love and blessing beyond measure. So often, I forget the magnitude of that blessing, getting caught up in the daily tasks and craziness of living life. Help me to rise each morning with the promises of this blessing on my mind and in my heart. Amen.

Contributed by Liz Hunt

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