fall trees

Mourning and Celebrating at the Same Time: A Paradox of Faith

It is September, which means we are moving into fall schedules or readjusting to them. School, church activitiees, and holiday planning are here or else on the near horizon. I love fall. The cooler temperatures, the beauty of the changing leaves, the smell of crisp morning air, and the anticipation of cuddling by the fire. I celebrate all of these things.

But, I also mourn. I mourn the loss of the daylight sun. I mourn the loss of time outdoors and the energy that comes from it. I mourn the loss of freedom for the children, as they move indoors and behind desks.

I am reminded today, as I write, of Ecclesiastes 3, A Time for Everything. I have entered a season of life where I am healing, breaking down and building up (vs. 3). I am weeping and laughing, mourning and dancing (vs. 4). I am seeking and losing, keeping and casting away (vs. 6). Right now I am celebrating and mourning more than just that change in seasons of the year, I am seeing a change in the seasons of my life. I can tell you that this is far more thrilling and far more frightening than the changes of the seasons of the year! Some days the tears threaten to overwhelm at every corner. Others the sadness of past hurts and future concerns weighs heavy on m heart. Still others I am angered by big and small alike. Most days, I want to put on my best running shoes and run as far away from it all as I can. In those moments, I remember to call out His name and to rest in his assurance that there is truly a season for everything.

I believe that God has equipped me to run the race he has set before me (Hebrews 12:1), even in the moments I feel least prepared. I am not meeting this season of life alone and naked. I am meeting this season with God covered in his robe of righteousness and protector by His armor. Because His victory is sealed, so is mine!

How do you deal with the paradoxes of life? We would love to hear your stories of how God is helping you through seasons of life, good and bad.

Contributed by Liz Hunt

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