Devotional Fatih

Devotional for January: New Year, New Approach

Scripture for the Week: Psalm 31:23 reads “Love the Lord, all his faithful people! The lord preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full.”

Devotional Thought: Happy New Year! It is hard to believe we have turned the calendar once again. When I was younger I was always told time would go faster as I aged. I, of course, didn’t believe any of that. However, as I am more than likely halfway through my life I completely understand.

We often hear the phrase “a new year, a new you.” It focuses on trying the latest diet fad, exercising like mad, and trying new hobbies and the like in hopes that the new year will be better than the last. How many times do we miss the mark barely into the new year?

Thought/Action Point: Instead of focusing on the things of the past that haven’t worked, what about a new approach to the year? An approach filled with your faith on fire? We are all tired after the holiday hustle and bustle when starting the new year. Why do we think that taking on the world in unrealistic ways is helpful?

Need I say more…if we put our focus on the Lord, he will provide and guide us as we need, when we need it.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray today that as we start a new year you also start a new journey in our hearts. A journey and approach that brings us contentment and joy but mostly that we live by your word each day. Let our eyes be opened to a year filled with the joy of walking with you. In your name, we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Jessica Clemens

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