
Journey of a New Homeschool Mom

I thought writing this post seemed appropriate as we are nearing the end of a school year. I took the plunge to be a homeschool mom this year! What a decision, what a blessing and what a life changer for me. In this post, I will touch on how I got here and some of the blessings; and in our next post, I will share how it has changed me.

The decision to homeschool actually was a long time in the making and a one I wish we would have done sooner. If I was true to myself, it is something that I have always wanted to do. There is nothing greater than seeing your child grow and learn, and no one wants to miss a moment. A person has to go through “decision making fatigue” until you finally decide. You weigh the pros and cons, determine if you can make it work, and evaluate if it is best for your child all in hope that you don’t screw it up…holding your breath the whole time.

Our decision came from having a highly sensitive child that thrives better in small group sizes, needs lots of downtime so he doesn’t fall apart from sensitivity overload, and has a different learning style than what classroom-style learning offers. More so, it came from the decision that I didn’t want someone else shaping who my child becomes and that having a Christ-centered education for his entire twelve years was vital.

When you finally decide to move forward, it is the greatest relief to fill out the application and turn it in. I remember the joy in my steps as I left the building and the trepidation in my heart as it raced in a million directions of where to start. 

The excitement begins as you order curriculum, plan projects, and map out a calendar of field trips. Yes, it is challenging…indeed! It takes time, creativity, and planning. And there are weeks that I don’t have as much in me as I still work a job outside the home. However, it is so worth it and is a great opportunity to evaluate priorities.

God tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Homeschooling gives us the opportunity to ensure that we have control over everything our child learns.

Although I can’t claim that our first year has been without hiccups and failures, it has been an amazing year. We have been blessed with increased confidence in our child, many moments of memory-making and laughs, and, of course, a few tears that only lead to growth. 

If you have a notion or consideration for homeschooling, I encourage you to do so. You and your children will be blessed. Next time join me for how homeschooling has changed me.

Contributed by Jessica Clemens

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