
Keeping it simple…Giving it all to God

This last month we celebrated Valentine’s Day. My husband and I have never been over the top with doing much for the day. We are not dependent on having to go out to a nice restaurant, I don’t expect flowers or chocolates for the day and my husband doesn’t expect anything either. We have known, as we have been together for almost thirty years, that at the end of the day the other will be there for them no matter what. That is a gift that can’t be wrapped and it is priceless.

We also aren’t huge travelers. So many people we know are in the height of winter traveling to get away from the snow. However, we don’t book a trip every winter to a warm destination. We don’t have a three-week summer vacation planned. And we don’t travel to a hotel every month or so for a weekend of shopping and swimming for our son. 

We keep it simple, to say the least. However, it is also important for us to recognize when we do need to take time to truly unplug. Does that have to come through a big vacation or extravagant valentine’s celebrations? No. 

Unplugging is sometimes just recognizing the need to say no to something that we have been asked to do. It is sometimes saying no to work and school and having a game day or a pajama and movie day. It is passing on a meeting and curling up with a good book. It is simply just taking a break from the tasks we do every day. We can find rest in the simple items in life. 

Our blog focuses on Matthew 11:28 as a guiding verse to follow and strive to build our lives around. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Rest. Rest is simple. Rest isn’t grand. Rest is giving it all to God. 

He doesn’t say travel like crazy only to be exhausted. He doesn’t say spend like mad to give you rest. 

It is simple. Give it all to the Lord and you will find your rest and peace.

Here’s to enjoying the simple things in life, removing the tiresome, and giving it all to God.

Contributed by Jessica Clemens

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