Bible Verse
Blog,  Intentional Living

Honoring Your Husband—Spiritually

In May, we honored women and mothers. It is June, and we shift our focus to honoring men and fathers. In a three-part series, we will discuss how wives can honor their husbands spiritually, in their relationship, and support their husbands’ work. First up, how can wives support their husbands spiritually? It might surprise you to know that the first way to honor your husband is not about your husband?.

Honor God First. The life of a Christian believer always begins with honoring and serving God. The Bible states that marriage is a covenant and should reflect the relationship between Jesus and the church (Ephesians 5:25, 28-33). Our belief in and love for Christ provides us with the ability to love our spouse (Romans 5:5).

Pray for Him. James 5:16 says that we should confess our sins to each other and pray for each other. While this verse also includes relationships with other believers, we first and foremost need to honor this call in our relationship with our spouse.

Study Scripture Together. Studying the word together puts God in the center of your relationship. It creates spiritual intimacy and draws you closer to the Savior, the one who provides you with the source of your love for each other. Pick a study, pick a book of the Bible, or pick a topic, open your Bible together, and be blessed.

Guard Your Home. In 2 Timothy 3:1-7, a warning about false teachers is given to the readers. Remember, those false teachers may be camouflaged in seemingly benign things, television, books, friends, even foods and beverages. Together, guard against things and people who may seek to harm you, your spouse, and your relationship.

Forgive Quickly and Completely. The book of Romans presents the amazing example of Christ’s sacrifice and gift of grace. We are called as Christians to forgive and to forgive completely. Often in a relationship conflict, spouses or partners will bring up hurts from the past, a sure sign that one has not fully and completely forgiven. Of course, we need to deal with any issues causing conflict or resentment in the relationship, but we should also let go once the issue is dealt with and forgiveness has been offered.

Honor your spouse begins with honoring God. Your belief in God enables you to love your husband despite his and your sin. In what ways do you honor your husband spiritually? We would love to hear from you. Please comment below.

We will cover Honoring Your Husband-In Your Relationship and Honoring Your Husband-In His Work in the next few weeks.

Contributed by Liz Hunt

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